Sass Snippets use function and mixin for automation (color & font & media) color $color-stack: (group: orange, id: normal, color: #e67835), (group: orange, id: pale, color: #f8a878), (group: orange, id: dark, color: #ad490c), (group: blue, id: normal, color: #426682); // Color Function @function color($group, $shade:normal, $transparency:1){ @each $color in $color-stack{ $c-group: map-get($color, group); $c-shade: map-get($color, id); @if($group == map-get($color, group) and $shade == map-get($color, id)){ @return rgba(map-get($color, color), $transparency); } } } invoking : body{ color: color(blue, normal,.8); } p{ color: color(orange); } blockquote{ color: color(blue); background: color(orange, pale,.4); border-color: color(orange, dark); } effect : body { color: rgba(66, 102, 130, 0.8); } p { color: #e67835; } blockquote { color: #426682; background: rgba(248, 168, 120, 0.4); border-color: #ad490c; } Font $font-stack: (group: brandon, id: light, font: ('Brandon Grot W01 Light', san-serif ), weight: 200, style: normal), (group: brandon, id: light-italic, font: ('Brandon Grot W01 Light', san-serif ), weight: 200, style: italic), (group: brandon, id: regular, font: ('Brandon Grot W01-Regular', san-serif), weight: 400, style: normal), (group: brandon, id: regular-italic, font: ('Brandon Grot W01-Regular', san-serif), weight: 400, style: italic), (group: brandon, id: bold, font: ('Brandon Grot W01 Black', san-serif), weight: 700, style: normal), (group: brandon, id: bold-italic, font: ('Brandon Grot W01-Regular', san-serif), weight: 400, style: italic), (group: clarendon, id: regular, font: ('Clarendon LT W01', serif), weight: 200, style: normal), (group: code, id: regular, font: (monospace), weight: 400, style: normal); // Breakpoint Mixin @mixin font($group, $id:regular){ @each $font in $font-stack{ @if($group == map-get($font, group) and $id == map-get($font, id)){ font-family: map-get($font, font); font-weight: map-get($font, weight); font-style: map-get($font, style); } } } invoking : h1{ @include font(brandon, light-italic); } p{ @include font(brandon); } p i{ @include font(brandon, regular-italic); } p b{ @include font(brandon, bold); } blockquote{ @include font(clarendon); } code{ @include font(code); } effect : h1 { font-family: "Brandon Grot W01 Light", san-serif; font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; } p { font-family: "Brandon Grot W01-Regular", san-serif; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; } p i { font-family: "Brandon Grot W01-Regular", san-serif; font-weight: 400; font-style: italic; } p b { font-family: "Brandon Grot W01 Black", san-serif; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal; } blockquote { font-family: "Clarendon LT W01", serif; font-weight: 200; font-style: normal; } code { font-family: monospace; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; } Media sass : $media-stack: (group: tablet, id: general, rule: "only screen and (min-device-width: 700px)"), (group: small, id: general, rule: "only screen and(min-device-width: 1100px)"), (group: small, id: inbetween, rule: "only screen and(min-device-width: 1100px) and (max-device-width: 1400px)"), (group: large, id: general, rule: "only screen and(min-device-width: 1400px)"), (group: print, id: general, rule: "only print"), (group: custom, id: screen, rule: "only screen and"); @mixin media($group, $id: general, $customRule: ""){ @each $media in $media-stack{ @if($group == map-get($media, group) and $id == map-get($media, id)){ $rule: map-get($media, rule); @media #{$rule} #{$customRule} {@content} } } } h1{ color: #333; @include media(tablet){ font-size: 1rem; }; @include media(small, inbetween){ font-size: 1.2rem; }; @include media(small){ color: #000; }; @include media(custom, screen, " (max-device-width: 360px)"){ color: blue; }; } css effect : h1 { color: #333; } @media only screen and (min-device-width: 700px) { h1 { font-size: 1rem; } } @media only screen and (min-device-width: 1100px) and (max-device-width: 1400px) { h1 { font-size: 1.2rem; } } @media only screen and (min-device-width: 1100px) { h1 { color: #000; } } @media only screen and (max-device-width: 360px) { h1 { color: blue; } }